Two Fat Guys

Two Fat Guys
Two Fat Guys

Monday, August 29, 2011

Light Lunch In the Moans


Today, I found myself barely making it into Panhill Commons (The Moans) before they closed up shop. As I did the casual loop around to see what was being offered, I was greeted with the usual...I hate you look that just warms your heart and soul. Seeing the limited offerings I defaulted to the sandwich bar and stuck with an exciting turkey sandwich and a glass of water:

Now, I have a "honeymoon" period with the moans for at least the first couple of meals when I arrive back on campus after prolonged breaks, so don't look for a hate-filled post questioning the overall legitimacy of Armark as a food service provider quite yet. (I assure you they will follow soon). Instead this meal/sandwich was delicious, the quality of the turkey was much better than I recall from last year and the water was....well water. This fat guy was well fed at lunch...but remains cautious of further moans experiences.

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