Two Fat Guys

Two Fat Guys
Two Fat Guys

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Two Fat Guys One Tailgate


The first Hampden-Sydney football game was a huge win...63 to 9 over Averett. But who cares? the real competition was down at the tailgates over beef tenderloin, ham biscuits, and Bloody Marys. The tailgating was comparable to years past and included: mimosas, jack & coke, popcorn chicken, Gruyere cheese with crackers, and even the occasional fruit:

Besides what I would consider a rather well done beef tenderloin, The tailgate was a complete success. I left stuffed and craving a good 4pm to 7pm nap that many individuals (who may have been over-served) usually fall victim to. A good tailgate is a key to a great football weekend. Remember it doesn't matter how many touchdowns you score...only how many chicken wings you can bear to consume.

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